2023 Recap – 2024 Goals

In Which I Look Back, And Look Forward, And Get Dizzy Moving My Head So Much

Looking Back: Usually when I’m in the right mind set to aim for stuff, I try to get over 500 miles ran in a year. I think my best is maybe 510? I’ve only gone over 500 three times in 11 years of running though. This year must be one of my worst years, only 301 miles (so far, doing a few runs before the end of the year but nothing massive).

Looking Forward: Nearly every year (read, EVERY year) I tell myself I’m gonna get over 1,000 miles in the bag. I usually start with the right effort, one year I’d clocked over 200 miles before the end of Feb! In 2024 if I’m wanting to get all of those shiny new PBs I need to get fully in the zone and take it seriously. (Something else I say at the start of every year!) I will be blogging more (lucky you) and I’ll be adding other bits and pieces here and there too, to make sure I’ve got some regular output in my writing.

London Bling

Looking Back: In 2023 the official races I did were Edinburgh Kids 1km (with my son), Scottish 10k, Edinburgh Half, London Marathon and York Marathon, so only added four new medals to my collection (would’ve been six but a 10k got cancelled and I slept in for a 5k). I work a funny shift pattern of four on, four off, so don’t always get the chance to get to races (single parent too so THAT takes up a bit of time).

Looking Forward: I’ve been checking the race calendar against my work schedule for 2024 and it looks like I’ll be able to get a fair few more medals next year. If I’m creative with my holiday dates I should be able to do the 5k that I slept through, a couple of 10ks, three Half Marathons and three FULL Marathons. All nicely spaced throughout the year. York Marathon will be my 11th time there and the other two will be new (to me) so excited for those!

Running Round Edinburgh

Looking Back: My training was sporadic at best this year. I got injured when I was training for London Marathon which knocked my confidence and motivation but then got some of it back later on when training for York went well. My son started school this year which freed up a few more day times for runs and healthiness but since October (after York) I’ve used the free time playing on my PlayStation or watching Netflix.

Looking Forward: I’ve got a plan. A GOOD plan. An easy to stick to plan. From January if it’s a school day I’m going to break up my free time in to blocks for the day. Get home at this time, run/exercise at this time, lunch, free time, etc. I’ve always found that if I’m following a list or a plan then I can stick to it much better than just trying to listen to my own internal plan. (i.e. “go for a run in a bit? Maybe after Frasier?”) I’m not just mapping out January’s run schedule right now, I’m planning each day that I’m alone in detail. So don’t ask me to the pub OK?

Let me know your plans for 2024, either running or others! And maybe see you on a start line somewhere!

Scottish 10k Recap

In Which Mistakes Were Made (And Will Be Again, I Know Myself)

Saturday 23rd September 2023

The Scottish 10k is a local race for me, as it starts and finishes about 15 minutes walk away from where I live (can’t get *much* more local than that). I’ve done it a few times before and know the route so of course I signed up to run it again.

One of the main rules for running races that I’m aware of (even more so now) is this: “No Alcohol The Night Before A Race.” One of the main rules I ignored the night before the Scottish 10k is this “No Alcohol The Night Before A Race.” Which was a daft thing to do, I know, but I’m a fully grown adult and I’m allowed mistakes. And beer.

The reason for the beer is that my friend Rob was also running the race, he lives down in Yorkshire (where I’m originally from) and we have an in-person catch up a couple times a year. (By catch up, I mean “lots of drinks.”) We decided to combine the catch-up with the race and only planned after-race beers but that kinda went out of the window on the Saturday night.

I met him from his coach around 7pm which meant that we wouldn’t be in time for the hourly train to mine, and so we decided to wait in the train station…. pub. We had a couple pints each there (extortionate Edinburgh prices) and then, boy logic, because we’d already had some beer we might as well have a few more back at mine!

Sunday 24th September 2023 – Race Day

Ughhhhhhh. My alarm went off at 7am. Then again at 7.15. And 7.30. I got up. My head was a little delicate but fine for a lazy Sunday. Oh no wait, got a 10k to run. UGHHHHHHHHH.

I went downstairs and Rob was already awake. Greeted each other with a grunt. I made coffee, small talk, and the decision to not drink the night before a run again (HA!). Had a bit of breakfast (get those carbs) and got my kit on. It was a wonderfully autumnal Scottish morning and would be perfect race conditions, if I were in a condition to race. We walked along the river to the race course (an actual race course, where they race horses, which was where the run was starting/finishing) and wished each other luck. We were in different starting pens so I said I’d look for Rob on the turn around.

Robs aim was to just get the run finished, it was his first official race in over a year and his second “any kind of run” this year so far so he wasn’t looking to win. I’ve got the Yorkshire Marathon in a few weeks so I was just planning on taking the 10k steady (didn’t want to tempt any injury this close).

Before I knew it it was go time and a few thousand people all headed in the same direction. Right at the start I saw a guy I know from Strava/Instagram at the sides cheering people on so that was a bit of a boost straight away.

The Scottish 10k (not to be confused with the Great Scottish 10k) is an out and back route which starts/ends at Musselburgh racecourse. It’s pretty much as flat as you’d like the whole way and gets a fair bit of crowd support. My plan was to run to the turn around point and then run/walk the rest of the way back. My original plan was to run the whole way but my slight hangover made these new plans instead.

I kept steady, pacing myself behind a couple of people in Um Bongo shirts, not bothering to look at my watch for the actual pace because I wasn’t aiming for a time. Before long I saw the water station on the opposite side of the road (we were only about 3k in) so figured there must be two water stations as usually it’s as close to halfway as they can in a 10k race.

Not long after (it seemed) the turn around approached and I realised that nope, that was the only water station and it would be around 7k in to the route. Seemed a bit too far in, I could hear someone complaining about it (wait, was it me complaining?). Even though it was Autumn in Scotland it was quite warm and so there a few more grumbles before we got our water (again, might’ve just been me and I was agreeing with myself because I’m smart).

I saw Rob on the other side of the road so gave him a cheer and then I had a bit of a walking break while I had some of my water. I looked out for other people that I knew were running too but didn’t see anyone so either they were avoiding me or they were in front of me. Both real possibilities.

And then before I knew it I could see the finish line, I turned towards the finish chute, and I was done. Scottish 10k done for the 6th time. I got my medal and goody bag (t-shirt, energy bar, water) and made my way back up the end of the course to cheer people on and wait for Rob. He appeared like a drunken sweaty beacon in the distance and I ran a bit with him towards the end for motivation. Done.

Wanting to top up our beer levels we made our way in to town to the local Wetherspoons (British institutions they are) and at 11am ordered a couple of pints. We were told they aren’t serving alcohol until 12.30pm. Bugger.

After finishing our Pepsi’s we made our way further on the road to a different pub that WAS serving alcohol and ordered a couple of pints, then sat out in the beer garden so we didn’t stink up the bar. After that we had another, then went back to mine for recovery food and to get freshened up before going back to the Wetherspoons and ordered a couple of…. you get the idea.

Monday 25th September 2023


My Name In Lights

In Which I Finally Get (a tiny bit) Of Fame

Story time! All the way back in…. oooft, 2013, I’d been running a few months and had done a total of two official 10ks and one half marathon (the Great North Run, the main aim I had when I started). I’d always said that I had no interest in running a full marathon because I found the half tough enough, and wasn’t planning on running anything further than a 10k in the future.

I must’ve been signed up to some running emails or news or something because I saw some info that was (as it turns out) gonna shape the next decade of my running life. Wait no, a DECADE? Where the chuff has THAT time gone! Anyway, the news. There was going to be a new marathon starting in October of 2013, the Yorkshire Marathon, based in and around York (my favourite city!).

Putting aside previous thoughts of never running a marathon I signed up and figured it’d be something to tick off and say that I’ve run an actual marathon and THEN I’ll just stick to 10k races… Yeah that didn’t happen like that did it though?

Since 2013 I’ve managed to get around each and every Yorkshire Marathon each and every year apart from 2020 because 2020 was stupid and messed up everything. Which means that THIS year (2023 in case you aren’t keeping count) is the 10th time that the Yorkshire Marathon will be taking place and I’m one of a select group of (equally daft) people that are ever-present at the event.

It was a lot easier to get to when I lived IN Yorkshire but since 2017 I’ve been living in Edinburgh which means that this race gives me a very decent excuse to have a long weekend in York every year.

This blog that you’re on right now was originally set up when I started to try to be a runner (June 2012, you remember it well I’m sure) and I know I’ve been crap at keeping it going these last couple years but I’ve got some decent plans in place to get it back up and running and a lot of good (I think) content to be posting. I’m making an appearance at the Scottish 10k next week (24th Sept) so that’ll be a good warm up for York in October. (Actually running home after work tonight so that’ll be a good warm up for the good warm up for the marathon).

Seeya next time!

Great Scottish Run 10k – Late Recap

In Which I Don’t Do Very Well At All

The Great Scottish Run takes place in Glasgow and the 2022 version was on the 2nd October. I’d decided to enter it a whole week before it took place, so obviously I was FULLY prepared.

I picked up my original injury in mid June, didn’t run at all in July then started getting back in to it in August when I did a total of 13 miles spread out over four runs. September was a little better with nine runs (a total of 42 miles) but still waaaayyyy behind where I should’ve been in my marathon training (Yorkshire marathon was mid October).

AND SO that daft little voice in my head said “ooo you should do a race to see where your training is at” and the other, more sensible voice, went “ooo yeah you should sign up!” So up I signed.

The train from Edinburgh to Glasgow took an hour and I went all posh and sat in first class. (It cost an extra pound). The start of the race was quite near the train station which was handy and I got there in plenty of time to pick up my race number (it would usually get posted out but as I was a late entry I had to collect on the day).

It was a bit sunny but not too warm which made it decent running weather, so I made use of the facilities and got myself into the start pen. My wave got going not long after 9.35am and we were off, my second event of the year (actually third, I’ve decided to count the kids 1km I did with my son). (Actually FOURTH! I did a potato run. I’ll talk about that another day…)

About 500 metres in to the run I saw a Facebook friend, Craig, at the sidelines cheering everyone on. He was doing the Half Marathon later in the morning and I noticed him because he’d dyed his hair purple for fundraising for the New York Marathon. I’d never actually met him in real life, he’s one of those that you’ve ended up online friends with through various groups. I gave him a shout, he gave a wave, and then I approached a hill.


Yep, the Great Scottish 10k starts with a Great Glaswegian Hill. It wasn’t as bad as I’m making out, maybe like 100ft or so, but as I’d not checked the route I hadn’t been expecting it. Never mind, start of the race so I figured I’ll power up it. Mistake. As soon as I got to the top I felt my (formally healed) injury start to niggle at my foot, not even a mile in. What can you do though? No way am I not finishing so I figured I’ll run as much as I can then take a few walking breaks.

At two miles the route took us over the River Clyde on the Kingston Bridge and then we looped underneath to reach the halfway point, by which point I was taking my first (of a few) walking breaks. I don’t have much to say about the sights because it’s Glasgow and as far as I’m aware it’s not known for its natural beauty. Although I DID go by a few shops, one of which could’ve been called Natural Beauty I guess?

Back over the River Clyde (different bridge) then we followed the road at the side of the river for the final two miles (which included TWO MORE bridge crossings). Finally it was done. I was very done. And sore. But I had a new medal and a new t-shirt and the promise of beer was in my mind. My official time was 1 hour and 5 seconds. (As it turned out the course had been measured a bit short so I’m not counting that I went over an hour).

I saw Veronica from work and we went to find a pub and food (beer). We’d been in there an hour or so and who should turn up in this random pub, with hundreds to choose from, but Craig with his purple hair. Finally met him in person!

I’ll be doing this race again this year (1st October) because I need to go get an official time. And a good time. And I just love bridges, ya know?


As always, feel free to make friends with me on Strava

74 Days to London Marathon! I’m gladly accepting anything and everything towards my sponsorship goal (so long as it’s money).

See you soon!

Redesign, Rebuild, Return!


It’s been a while. How have you been? I like what you’re doing with your hair these days, suits you.

As for me I’ve been plodding away as usual, but nowhere near as much as I have in previous years. I seemed to lose motivation when that stupid pandemic and lock-down started. I was all set to run the Bradford 10k in March 2020, got the train down from Scotland and everything, then the day before it was due to take place it got cancelled.

I’ll be honest (always) and since then I’ve struggled a bit to get any real habit or motivation back.

I’ve done a few races here and there (Mad Dog 10k in 2022, Yorkshire Marathon in 2021 and 2022, couple of local Scottish events) but haven’t pushed myself in to training as much as I should.

That’s changed this year (2023, you know that) as in 13 short weeks I’ll be lining up at the start line of…


Oh my life.

My training plan is in place, the junk food is in the bin, and I have brand new running shoes. Just got those training miles to be doing!

Going forward I’m gonna be mixing up the blog a bit. I don’t feel that post after post of my sweaty face is conductive to a decent read (definitely not a decent picture!) and so I’m going to start including things like recipes and a bit more about what I’m doing day to day with my son. More of a Running Dad blog than a Running Blob blog ya know?

Anyway! Keep in touch, you’ve missed so much (you haven’t really, already mentioned I’ve been lazy).

Speak soon!

February Recap

In Which I Can’t Believe It’s Already March..!

After January last just under 18 weeks, it’s a shock that February only lasted 12 days. How is it March already?!

My target for Feb was the same as January, 100 miles. The crappy weather made it a much tougher challenge this month and I’m VERY much looking forward to Spring springing it’s way here.

As well as wanting to run 1’000 miles this year, I’m also wanting new PB’s (Personal Bests) for 5km, 10km, half and full marathons, so it was very nice that my first run of February, on the 1st, was a BRAND NEW 5K PB! 22:41 according to my watch! (Previous was 23:00.)

The next day I had a long, steady run planned of 13.1 miles. (Half marathon y’annow) but as it was a steady run, I took it steady. Took 2 hour and 14 minutes and it actually blows my tiny mind that only a few years ago that was my PB, now it’s training pace!

Next few runs were a mixture of 10k’s and some hill work. (Hills make the runner!) Luckily I live near an extinct volcano (Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh) so that’s handy for hill training.


Where does that put me miles-wise… Hang on, I’ll check… 30! 30 Miles by the 7th Feb! Very much on target. Next day was a Saturday, so to ParkRun. With a respectable time of 24:17, I earned a big fat breakfast.

Then a few days later a storm hit, so I didn’t run. And I know what you’re saying to yourself, you’re saying ‘you should run in all weather’ and you’re right, as usual. But this was TORRENTIAL. So, no running.

The next run was also cut short by the weather, it was so windy that I almost ended up in Oz. Then the NEXT run I was battered by more wind and rain, so my targets weren’t getting hit. I was getting hit. By weather.

The miles needed to be done though, so went out later than usual for a long run thinking that I’d get finished before it got dark, and I almost made it! 7 miles run, last one in VERY unsafe conditions…

With five days of February left I was on 73.5 miles. Looking at my work schedule I couldn’t see that I’d be able to reach 100 miles for the month but decided 75 is still impressive. Then decided I’m not sawft so went out and ran 10 miles.

Then the next chance I did a short run, just to get a few more done. This left me with the wonderful task of running 13.5 miles on the last day of February. (Thank chuff it’s a leap year!)

I’d had a few too many beers the night before so wasn’t really feeling my best. Slow and steady though, walk if you need to, just do the distance. It was actually a really nice morning for it, but my hangover didn’t agree.


Ran by Arthur’s Seat (see pic), down the Innocent Railway, through some wooded areas, along the beach in Portobello, then back around the other side of Arthur’s Seat, towards the Meadows and did a couple laps which gave me 13.5 miles and my SECOND MONTH IN A ROW OF 100 MILES RUN!!

Bradford 10k in two weeks times back in my home town.

Can’t believe it’s March already!

If you want to keep a close eye on me, and let’s be honest why WOULDN’T you, I’m on Strava:


and Instagram:


How Was Your January?

In Which I Reach My First Goal Of The Year (Smuggly)

My aim for January was 100 miles. And, now realising the above sentence ruins any surprise, I may as well tell you I did it. Thanks for reading, bye. NO WAIT! I’ll give details and stuff, come back!

New Year’s Day, the day usually put aside for beer recovery and tiredness was instead given over to running a 10k. I recently moved into Edinburgh city centre and found a nice Park area that’s flat and easy to lap so that’s what I did, ran around it four times. Scenery didn’t change on ANY lap because nature is lazy.


(1st Jan: 6 miles down, 94 to go.)

The next few runs were short ones, all around 3 or 4 miles before doing another 10k on the 12th January followed by a 5 miler the next day. Trying to keep in the habit of running after my (12hr) day shifts and before my (12hr) night shifts. I usually have my son before the nightshifts and drop him off at 5 which then gives me enough time to do a 4.5 mile run before getting to work for a shower. Also, my first medal of the year arrived. It was a virtual 10k run from MedalMad and couldn’t resist when I saw it.


(16th Jan: 41 miles down, 59 to go.)

Saturday I decided to try test my legs on a 10k run so lapped the Meadows (the park area I mentioned and did the 6.2 miles in 50:21. Very happy with that! So happy in fact that the next day I decided to do a steady 10 miles (longest run of the year so far) and then a very steady 10k on the monday. Motivation seemed to be hanging around so was taking full advantage.


(20th Jan: 63 miles down, 37 to go.)

The next friday I ran 4.5miles before I worked the nightshift (1830 – 0630) then got home, had a WHOLE hour sleep and decided to go do the ParkRun. There’s a few near me but heard that Portobello was a decent one, so went there. Wasn’t entirely sure that it was a great idea, having run, worked, napped then forced myself out of bed but I’ve done worse things. (See: Vegas Marathon, hungover to balls.)

There was no way I could’ve pushed myself even if I wanted to (and I really didn’t want to) so started mid-pack. The run came to a walk as soon as it started for a few seconds before it managed to even out and people got moving.

Portobello ParkRun is three laps of Figgate Park which (as all ParkRuns do) gives you 5km total distance. It’s a nice steady loop, going by a pond and a wooded area before coming back up the other side. (This is why I’m not a travel writer.) Finished in a respectable (given the circumstances) 30:32. Went home to bed.

(25th Jan: 75.5 miles down, 24.5 to go.)


The Sunday was another steady 10 mile run staying local to home and then a few smaller runs to bring me up to 100 for January. I was gonna try build up tension and drama and make myself sound like a hero, but I’d stuck to my plan and schedule all month so reached the goal with a couple days spare. I almost ran into a kid on a bike on the last run if that helps the drama? Wait no, let’s give it a cliffhanger!


“On my last run, on the second to last lap, I could feel myself getting nervous. The 100 mile target was within distance. RUNNING distance. When suddenly, as if from nowhere, a child. A bike. A child on a bike. (Same child, one bike.) I neared. They swerved. Came at LEAST two foot closer than I liked. Two wheel closer. Wheely close. And then…”



2019 Running Recap

In Which I Recap…. 2019’s…. Running

(Very brief recap of the year, there’s blog posts about most of the races that go into more detail!)

January 2019: RED Attempt

RED – Run Every Day. Sounded like a good idea to get 2019 off to a good start, running everyday for the entire month. (Probably decided to do it when drunk on New Years Eve.)

Gave myself a goal of a minimum of a mile a day running. Might not sound much, but being the parent to a very new (three months old) baby boy, it was as much as I could hope to get out for on some days.


Shortest run of the month was a mile (on a few occasions) and the longest was 7.8 miles. I managed quite well, did a full four weeks (28 days) of running every day but then on the morning of the 29th I got hit with a sickness bug that knocked me sideways.

Total Miles: 101


No running. Zero. No motivation. ZERO


Decided I needed to get back out running. February was a failure and so written off, running-wise. Finn (my boy) was now old enough where he was allowed to be in a running buggy while I ran and pushed him along. (He’s still yet to push ME in the buggy. Lazy thing.)

I was still on parental leave from work (six months at full pay? Oh yes!) and so I had no excuses not to run with him and the buggy. We took it easy at the start but then quickly realising that the running buggy sent him to sleep, I started running a bit longer.


They take a bit of getting used to (running buggys, not children. Although…) but we soon had our 10k time down to just under an hour. Bet it won’t be too long before he’s managing this without a buggy.

Total miles: 46


Back to work. Boooo. Was a bit of a shock having to get up and leave home and Finn I tell ya. But, I suppose it was nice to see work people and get back into a routine. I do a shift pattern of two days, two nights, four off so wanted to try run after both my day shifts. The weather started being a bit kinder (for Scotland) so it wasn’t too bad.

Also, they started up a ParkRun very close to home so gave that a go on the Saturdays I wasn’t working.

Towards the end of the month I entered a 10k race called the Dalkeith Bluebell Trail Run. However, I was still suprised that it was an actual trail run (even though it had ‘trail’ in the name…) It was hilly, very warm and I got around in a respectable 55m 17s then went and watched the Avengers.


Never had a wooden medal before! Wood you believe it?

Total Miles: 55


Started May with a 5k PB at ParkRun of 23:36! Training seems to be paying off! Not sure what happened in May but my running missed a week. (I’m writing this post based on what Strava is telling me. Tells me I missed a week in May and I believe it.)

May is the Edinburgh Marathon Festival, held towards the end of the month. On the Saturday there’s a 5k and 10k then on the Sunday there’s a half or full marathon. I did the full in 2017 and 2018 but found the second half of the marathon quite boring so decided on the half this year.

Happily, it was the morning after my night shift so I worked 12 hours then hung around work for an hour, the went to run a half marathon… Not the BEST idea I’ve ever had. But saying that, I ran the first nine miles without a walking break and finished the race in just over two hours. Not gonna complain about THAT.


Total Miles: 35


June I wanted to get more hills into my training so I started running up and around Arthur’s Seat a bit more. (Arthur’s Seat is a massive hill in Edinburgh. I want to say it’s an extinct volcano, and I could easily check Wikipedia as I’m on a computer but let’s leave some mystery in this relationship eh?)

Being June, and being Scotland, one run was raining and the next was sunny, the next was in the rain and the next in the heat. All month long.


Total Miles: 36


NOW we’re talking. July meant a trip down to Yorkshire for the Leeds 10k, which I’ve done every year for around 5 years now. Being an almost home town run, I met up with friends the night before and had beer. Too much beer. Then the run was a hot one, so was happy enough to get around in 53:31. Then was equally as happy (if not more so) to get to the pub for a recovery beer. It’s a hard life, this running.

The rest of the month was a mixture of slightly longer runs and plenty of ice lollys afterwards. All well earned.

Total Miles: 50


After Leeds 10k myself and Rob (running buddy for many years) had a good talk and decided to enter a few more races for the year. First up was York 10k at the start of August. I traveled down from Scotland VERY early on the Saturday to be able to do York ParkRun (27:32) then did the 10k on the Sunday morning.

As it was a big event they had pacers, so I followed the 50 minute one. She was good at her job and I finished in 48:47 which was my second fastest 10k EVER. Celebrated with Rob, and with beer.

The following week we went to Darlington for their 10k. It was only a week after York so wasn’t expecting much but was VERY happy with a time of 49:55, my second sub 50 minute 10k in a week!

Total Miles: 52


The first few weeks of September were trying to concentrate on a bit of speed work. I was feeling positive about York and Darlo 10k times and as Scottish 10k was at the end of the month, I was eyeing up a 10k PB. (Currently at 47:57)

On the morning of the race I woke up to ideal running weather. Kinda overcast but not too cold. This was the third time I’d be running this race and as it was near where I lived, I’d run the route plenty times.

I pushed a bit hard at the start and so had to walk a little at 5k, but pushed and pushed myself to get going, and got finished with a NEW PB of 47:15. VERY chuffed!


Total Miles: 31


First week of October was the Great Cumbrian Half Marathon in Carlisle. I stayed over the night before (and went to see Joker, it was great!)

I had no idea of the route or elevation because I didn’t check. Turns out it’s a hilly one. I felt good all the way around, and for the first time ever I ran a whole half marathon with no walking breaks at all. NEW HALF MARATHON PB of 1:52:43.


October 20th was York marathon. My 7th time there, 11th marathon overall. What with the recent 10k and 1/2 Mara PB’s I was kinda confident that a Marathon PB could be in my future. (Currently 3:59:15, but you know that.)

On the day it wasn’t meant to be. I managed to run 17.5 miles before needing to walk (best ever!) and after that I didn’t quite hit the wall but I definitely knocked into it a bit. Finish time of 4:19:22 gave me my second fastest marathon time, and all the beers later that night more than cheered me up.

Total Miles: 54


Lazy. Total of 5 miles over TWO MONTHS.

Finished the year on shirt of 500 miles.

Let’s get 2020 kicked up the arse yeah?

Scottish 10k and Great Cumbrian Run 1/2

In Which I PB At Both! (Wait, Spoile… Too Late)

Scottish 10k – 22nd September 2019

I like the Scottish 10k. It’s local, reasonably priced but more importantly very FLAT, and so (after a pre-run microwave burger and a short bus ride) I found myself lining up for the race for the third year in a row.

It starts at Musselburgh Racecourse and you run 5k into East Lothian before turning back to the start, in a nice out and back route (which are my favourite kind.)

My second favourite course type is a ‘loop’ when you run in a massive circle (such as York Marathon) then my third is a ‘point to point’ where you start and finish at two different places. (Such as Great North Run.)


I set off, as always, too quickly. (Do I ever learn? I do not.) And I could feel a stitch coming on around the second mile. In a race I try not to look at my watch until halfway (if there’s no pacers) and run by feel and I felt I was going to blow up.

Reaching the turn around at 5k I glanced at my TomTom and it said I’d done the first 5k in just over 23 minutes… A lot faster than expected! However, like I said, I was blowing a bit and so had to walk a little to catch my breath.

I could feel the chance of a PB though (47.57 to beat) and did my best to get my legs going. As I’d started near the front I was getting over taken by plenty of fit people and that also meant lots of encouragement as they ran by. Listening to them and trying to focus on a PB, I pushed, and grunted a fair bit too.

Finishing line in sight, didn’t seem to get nearer for a while, but then before I knew it I was done. NEW OFFICIAL PB OF 47.15!!

The rest of the day was spent with beer. Standard.


Great Cumbrian Run 1/2 Marathon – 6th October 2019

Two weeks after the Scottish 10k was the Great Cumbrian Half Marathon, taking place in Carlisle. (Don’t think I’ve ever been before.) As it’s not local (ages away) I booked a cheap room for the night and went down on the saturday.

Numbers weren’t posted out so went to the Sheepmount Stadium on Saturday afternoon to collect it. Also realising I had no energy gels with me, I bought one I’ve not tried before, KMC Chocolate Mint Gel.

After I got my number I went and checked in to the B&B (a LOT nicer than the price suggested!) and then I went to the cinema alone like a loser and watched Joker (which is about a loner loser. Its AMAZING.)

An early night followed but I was woken at 3am by torrential rain. Not the best of signs… Ah well, went back to sleep as I can’t change the weather so no point worrying. Woke up at 8am (race starts at 10) and had my (standard carbs) of a microwave burger. (IT WORKS FOR ME).

I then checked out and made my way to the Stadium once more.


On this race (a loop) you sort yourself into what ever start time you fancy so I made my way into the Sub 2hr group. I once did a sub 2hr half marathon but that was in training so I don’t really count it as official. Think my official-official time is 2.02, but with the previous 10k PB I was kinda confident.

HONK! Time to go. (That was a horn, not like an angry goose.)

Turns out this route is hilly. VERY hilly. The first 5km is almost a straight line (of hills) before you start looping back around anti-clockwise. I was feeling quite good though and felt my pace was working well. Again, trying not to check my watch until halfway I waited until just after 6 miles, thinking I was running around about 9mins a mile I was happy to see it registered at 8.50 a mile.

Still felling quite good I told myself to get to 7 miles then have the energy gel and see how my legs are feeling. Handily, at 7 miles most of the hills are done with and its more or less flat or downhill until the end. (With a couple hills still, of course…)


7 miles flew by and then the rain came. FULLY came. It was the same sort of rain as through the night, pouring and pouring. But, I ain’t sawft so kept on keeping on. Before long I got to 8 miles and realised this was the longest non-stop running I’d done in years.

Fully preparing myself for needing a walk break, I told myself to get to 10 miles first. 10 miles came, I kept running. 11 miles… 12… chuffing hell, am I gonna run the whole route with walking any?

Too chuffing right I did!

And you know what? I did it in 1.52.44! Massive PB!

Seems my training is going quite well this year. Next up, York marathon on the 20th October. Can I get another PB? We’ll see…


Either way they’ll be plenty of beer afterwards!


Edinburgh 1/2 Marathon Recap

In Which I Run VERY Tired

Edinburgh Half Marathon. As I live in Edinburgh, it’s my adopted hometown 1/2 Marathon race.  (That and the Scottish 1/2 Marathon in September which actually goes by my home…)

The previous two years I did the full marathon, finishing both years in around 5hrs (and last year being sponsored by a beer company, I got a HELLA lot of beer given!) This year however, I’m concentrating on York marathon in October so didn’t want to commit to doing two in a year. (I’ve run two a year in 2016, 2017, 2018. Gets tiring!)

To make the half marathon easy on myself I agreed to work the night shift just before. So I started work at 6.30pm on the Saturday, finished at 6.30am on the Sunday and the race began at 8am…

I hung around work when I finished as it was starting a few minutes walk away. I carbed up on a crappy microwave burger (seems to work for me!) and then got changed and set off in the pouring rain to the start line.


People were soaked but their spirits could not be dampened. (I’m proud of that sentence!) The PA system was counting down by the minute and everyone looked excited and/or nervous, with lots of family and friends at the side lines cheering them on already.


Then, we were off. Slowly, walking to the start line. It’s a huge undertaking I’m sure, getting all these people organised into start pens and making sure it all goes off without a hitch but it doesn’t stop people complaining that they have to walk a few minutes to begin the race. See it as a bit more of a warm up why don’t you?

The race starts very central to Edinburgh and within a few minutes I was running by Greyfriars Bobby and then my workplace. (National Library of Scotland.) The guys on the day shift said they’d be out front looking for me but they got confused and thought I was running the full which didn’t start until 10am. Turns out at 10am they spent AGES looking for me, but obviously I wasn’t there.

After the library we ran over the Royal Mile and down a hill called the Mound which lead us to Princes Street Gardens and a bit of people congestion so had to slow right down. Didn’t take long to get going again though, and we looped by Waverly Train Station and back on to the Royal Mile (which is a bit longer than a mile.)

EMF_MARATHON_2018 I felt surprisingly fresh after a 12hr night shift and was running quite well. Not fast, but I wasn’t struggling either. My plan for this run was just to enjoy it, finish and get the medal. We then ran in front of Arthurs Seat (a HUGE hill) and at 5k we left the city behind. (But not the rain.)

I was expecting to have to walk at the water station but carried on running. Mile 5 soon arrived and then we stuck to the coast line for the next three miles before coming slightly inland and running near the historic Musselburgh racecourse and that brought me to mile 9, which is where my tiredness caught up and I had a walk break. NINE miles constant running after a night shift though! I was VERY chuffed with that! I could see the finish area on the other side of the road but still had a way to go.

After that it was 2 miles on the same road before turning back for the final 2 mile stretch. The sun came out for a couple minutes, didn’t like what it saw and went away again. The last few miles of my race was a mixture of running and walking and I was enjoying myself more than I thought I would be. Time flew by and all of a sudden I was in the final stretch, down the finishers chute and done!

In my head I wanted around 2hrs 10mins and I completed in 2hrs 5mins 8secs. Can’t argue with that! Handily, the in-laws live close to the finish line so I went there for a shower and some cuddles from my baby. He made sure the medal wasn’t fake.


And there you go! Turns out that I can run okayish even when tired which is good news for marathon training surely? I usually run after my 12hr day shifts but this is the first time ever I’ve run after a night shift. Next race I’m entered for is Leeds 10k at the start of July and I want to get close to my PB of 47.57. If I do or if I don’t, there’ll be plenty beer afterwards..!

Speaking of which, you thought I’d forgotten!
