What Happened To February??

In Which I *Blink* And It’s Already March

February, for me, was a bit of a disaster. The month started and ended with sickness and wasn’t much better in-between. Let me recap:

I had booked in to doing my first race of 2024 at the start of Feb, a 10k which went up and around Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh, and was a VERY hilly route. On the morning of the race I woke up and it was blowing a gale outside, which meant that the top of the hill during the race would be like a hurricane, so sensibly (I’d not done an event since October) I bowed out.

The following week I got ill. Nothing major, but enough to knock me on my arse for a few days. Then it was half-term at school meaning my boy (5yo) was at home all day so no time for running then either!

The week after my Grandma died. She was almost 91 and had been ill for a while so it was expected, but still not the nicest of times.

Then last week I got ill AGAIN, this time somewhere between a cold and the flu, lost my voice, all of it.

So you see I’ve not really had anything to blog about! It’s the second week of March now though and I’ve been out running, healthy eating, cooking decent food and have a holiday next week to look forward to. Even gonna take my running kit!

Back to regular updates from now, lucky you!

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